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Sciatica Homeopathic Treatment | Homeopathy Clinic Brisbane

Sciatica Homeopathic Treatment | Homeopathy Clinic Brisbane

Sciatica Homeopathic Treatment | Homeopathy Clinic Brisbane

“Sciatica Homeopathic Treatment in Brisbane, lower back pain and role of homeopathic remedies”

Sciatica is pain starts from the back, hip, and outer side of the leg, caused by compression of a sciatic nerve in the lower back, often owing to degeneration of an intervertebral disc.

Pain that starts in the buttocks, hip and continues all the way to the legs associated with lower back pain. The lower back pain can either be less or more severe than the leg pain. The word “sciatica” entails that the sciatic nerve, which radiates from the lower back, via the buttocks, and to the foot, is thought to be the causing factor of the pain in this condition.

It can be worse than the accompanying lower back pain. Usually, the patient experiences severe or moderate pain, which starts in the buttocks and goes down to the leg. It is essential to have the knowledge that sciatica produces pain that radiates beyond the knee. Usually, the patient will have experienced lower back pain before the leg pain starts. Later on, the leg pain becomes more severe than the back pain, and the back pain might even disappear.

Best Homeopathic Remedies for Sciatica

Homeopathic medicine can be used effectively to treat acute and chronic sciatica. Homeopathic remedies are natural and safe and can work on the primary cause of sciatica for efficient and complete healing. In fact, if one can seek homeopathic consultation in time, it could prevent surgical interventions in cases involving sciatica. Let us have a look at some recognized homeopathic medicines for sciatica.


Colocynthis is widely known for treating left-sided sciatica. It is well known homeopathic remedy where an individual complains of pain along the left sciatic nerve. The pain usually starts in the lower back and radiate down to the leg and toes. At times, pain is noticed in the left hip which then radiates to the knee. The pain can be tearing, drawing, or shooting in nature. At times, it might be shock-like, cramping, or lightning in nature.

Magnesia Phosphorica

Magnesia Phosphorica is an ideal treatment for sciatica on the right side. The sciatica is shooting, stabbing, cutting, and stitching in nature. The pain starts in the lower back and radiates through the right hip, thigh, and leg. Warm pressure applications can offer relief at times.

Gnaphalium Polycephalum

It is the most beneficial homeopathic medicine for sciatic when attended with numbness. The character of sciatica pain alternates with numbness and pain radiates to feet and calves.

Arnica Montana, Ruta Graveolens, and Hypericum Perforatum

These three remedies are beneficial for sciatica caused by injury to the back. Blows or falls might cause the damage.

Arnica Montana is ideal for sciatica accompanied by excessive soreness of the lower limbs.

Ruta Graveolens is perfect where sciatica pain becomes worse while lying down at night.

Sciatic pain associated with burning, tingling, or numbness is an indication of Hypericum Perforatum

Cotyledon Umbilicus

It is a well indicated homeopathic remedy for intense sciatica pain accompanied by high sensitivity in the lower limbs. Cotyledon umbilicus also shows remarkable healing in case of stinging pain in the left hip.