Eczema is a skin condition in which a person’s skin can become dry, bubbly, scaly, can redden and itchy. This condition is widespread and can be very annoying especially when the skin may become sticky fluid and watery. It can make the life of a person miserable that is why it’s important to cure it as soon as possible.
Eczema can sometimes be hereditary. This happens when both or one of the parents had experienced eczema; there’s a big chance that their children will have it as well. Eczema can have different effects for anyone; some can have mild eczema while others can spread rashes from head to toe.
Atopic Eczema
Also known as atopic dermatitis, it is because by an allergic disease that may come from asthma or fever. It’s usually found on the neck, head, scalp, behind the knees, inside the elbows and buttocks. This condition is usually non-contagious, relapsing and even continuous in nature.
Common Triggers
If you already know that you’re experiencing eczema, then its best that you can reduce and eliminate the problem. To do this, you would need to find out what triggers it the most; this will give you the relief that you need. After knowing what triggers this condition, you can do homeopathy to eliminate the condition once and for all.
Here are some of the things that can trigger Eczema:
Homeopathic remedies can be used to both eradicate and relieve eczema for animals, people, and elderly and even to babies. There are a lot of homeopathic remedies, but users and experts should ensure that they give it according to the patient’s symptoms.
Key symptoms: An eczema that releases honey-like discharge or thick yellowish colours. Hard, rough skin that‘s dry with cracks mostly behind the ears and becomes worse at night and when the bed is warm.
Supporting symptoms: The skin becomes covered by scales and crusts which heal slowly. It can lead to asthma when used with steroid creams and is more prominent on the left side of the body.
Sulphur (Sulph)
Key symptoms: The skin becomes very itchy which becomes pleasurable when scratched that ends up bleeding the skin. The rash starts to redden and becomes worse when overheated; the bed is warm and when bathing.