Homeopathy is widely known for treating and preventing tropical diseases. There are numerous homeopathic clinics around the world offering treatment and prevention of diseases like Dengue Fever, Yellow Fever, Malaria, Cholera, and Typhoid. Depending on where you plan to travel, your health status might be at risk. That is the reason you should consider homeopathic remedies for disease curing and prevention.
Homeoprophylaxis ought to be initiated months before the date of travel. It will help the immune system to respond and develop immunity to certain diseases.
Best Homeopathic Remedies for Travelers
Below are some essential homeopathic remedies for treating travel-related medical conditions:
Aconite is a perfect shock remedy. Therefore, if you have been involved in a car accident, had your belongings stolen, or experienced any similar case, aconite is your best remedy. It can also be very helpful in treating palpitations, severe anxiety, and racing pulse. Additionally, it can be implemented during a suspected stroke or heart attack while waiting for help. Aconite can also help a terrified individual for example when flying. Furthermore, it can be used during the beginning of a sudden cold.
Apis is a good remedy for stings, bites, and allergic reactions. The patient might experience strong body reactions to certain foods, medicines, bites, and stings. The reactions are manifested by puffy swellings, which are red, shiny, and tight. Apis is also useful for water retention, tonsils, nettle rash, cystitis, and shingles. The patient experiences sudden symptoms and he/she becomes irritable, might cry out of pain, or become restless.
This is one of the best homeopathic remedies and it should be implemented after an injury or accident where there is physical, emotional, and mental trauma. Arnica works by helping reduce bleeding of small wounds and reducing shocks. It is also useful for strains, over-exertion, sprains, bruises, and aching pain.
This is the first homeopathic remedy to think about in case of food poisoning and any other forms of stomach upset. Arsenicum Album can also be utilized against ‘Bali Belly’. The patient is usually restless, anxious, and afraid of being left alone. Patients are usually very thirsty for water, and experience pain in the throat and tummy. A patient might feel better after taking hot drinks and food, or when in the company of people.
Belladonna is an ideal fever remedy for children, especially during the holidays. Symptoms might appear after being chilled or due to too many bites, stings, and exposure to the sun. The patient gets worse from touch, noise, light. Pain is usually throbbing, and there might be a rapid pulse, bright redness of the skin, burning heat, no thirst, and restlessness. The eyes are occasionally glassy with dilated pupils. The patients might also be lethargic and floppy with hyper. Be sure to check on fever in babies and children carefully, and we advise to take your under six-month baby with fever to your doctor.