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Homeopathic Treatment for Amenorrhea in Brisbane

Homeopathic Treatment for Amenorrhea in Brisbane

Homeopathic Treatment for Amenorrhea in Brisbane

Homeopathic Treatment for Amenorrhea – Types, causes and remedies

In most women, lack of menstruation could be worrisome when it occurs for an extended period, and this could create panic. Amenorrhea is a medical condition which refers to the absence of menstruation or menstrual cycle in women of reproductive age. Amenorrhea is not a disease but a sign of another health problem and can occur for many reasons. This condition is observed in underage girls (pre-puberty), pregnant or breastfeeding women or during menopause in older women. Amenorrhea could also occur as a sign of a health condition; an example is seen in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

Types of Amenorrhea:

This medical condition could either be primary or secondary.

  1. Primary Amenorrhea: this is the absence of menstruation in women by the age of 16. Menstruation is a sign of puberty in young girls. However, this could be caused by delay in pubertal development or developmental problems such as congenital absence of the uterus or inability of the ovary to receive or maintain eggs.
  2. Secondary Amenorrhea: this condition is characterized by the absence of menstruation for three consecutive months or more in women who have experienced menstrual bleeding.

Signs and Symptoms

The absence of menstruation is often the primary sign of Amenorrhea, other signs or symptoms of this condition include:

  • Headaches
  • Vision changes
  • Acne
  • Nausea
  • Skin reaction or changes
  • Pelvic pain
  • Hair loss or abnormal hair growth (facial hair)
  • Enlarge thyroid
  • Discharge from the nipple

Cause of Amenorrhea

Several reasons could cause amenorrhea; this condition may occur naturally during a woman’s life (pre-puberty, pregnancy/breastfeeding, or menopause). It could also occur as a sign of a medical condition or a side effect of the medication.

  1. Use of contraceptives: Women who take birth control pills regularly may experience this condition even after they stop. This condition may take some time before regular menstruation resumes.
  2. Use of medication: Some medications such as antidepressants, blood pressure drugs, antipsychotics, allergy medications and chemotherapy drugs can cause menstrual period to stop
  3. Lifestyle: Amenorrhea could occur due to hormonal imbalance caused by our lifestyles such as stress, low body weight, and excessive exercise.
  4. Hormonal imbalance: The hormones produced in the body helps in the regulation of menstrual period. Certain medical conditions such as thyroid malfunction, polycystic ovary syndrome, premature menopause and the pituitary tumor can cause hormonal imbalance.
  5. Structural problems: Sexual related problems such as lack of reproductive organs, structural abnormality of the virginal or Asherman’s syndrome (uterine scattering) can alter reproductive functions and cause Amenorrhea.

The treatment of Amenorrhea is dependent on the possible cause. Identification of the cause and solutions can help in the treatment of this condition. Hormonal therapies, nutrition, change in lifestyle and use of contraceptive can be used to treat Amenorrhea. However, Homeopathy can be an efficient method of treating Amenorrhea.

Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine use in the treatment of chronic diseases. It is based on a principle of “like cures like.” Here, a substance that causes symptoms of a disease in healthy individuals is used to cure similar symptoms in a sick person. Homeopathy treats each person as a unique individual with the aim of stimulating natural treatment or self-healing.

Homeopathic remedies for Amenorrhea

  • Pulsatilla: this is an excellent remedy for amenorrhea or menstrual suppression. It is indicated where menstruation flows by fits and starts or when wetting of the feet causes the suppression.
  • Calcarea carbonica: This remedy is indicated if menses is absent suddenly and is seen in patients who are overweight, out of shape or suffers from anemia. The menstrual period is preceded by soreness and swelling of the breast, cold, headache, and damp feet.
  • Ferrum metallicum: This remedy is useful in delayed first menses indicated by debility, sticky complexion, palpitation, tired feeling, or pale and livid face with a blue margin about the eyes. It is used in women drugged with quinine or other drugs.
  • Sepia officinalis: characterized by a frequent nervous attack or a hysteric headache, shown in feeble, weak and debilitated patients sensitive to several kinds of impressions.
  • Graphites: here menses are suppressed, delayed or scanty with a sensation of weight in arms and lower limbs. It is accompanied by obstinate constipation and indurated ovaries, and it comes in especially after pulsatilla.

Homeopathy is an effective means for treating several medical conditions including Amenorrhea. Homeopathy is practiced all over the world, and homeopathic treatment in Brisbane is known for excellent and high quality homeopathy treatments and medicines. Homeopathic doctors in Brisbane are well trained and experienced and work closely with patients to help manage and treat health issues.