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Homeopathic Remedies and Medicines for Infertility

Homeopathic Remedies and Medicines for Infertility

Homeopathic Remedies and Medicines for Infertility

Homeopathic remedies, treatment, and medicines for infertility

Infertility is the medical condition where there is the inability to conceive or get pregnant. After having unprotected sex for more than one year, an infertile lady might not be able to conceive. At this point, medical help should be sort. The cause of infertility can either be on the man or the lady and at times, both partners. The major fallout of this condition is social and psychological inadequacy suffered by the couple.

As aforementioned, infertility can be either the male or the female. In men, it can be due to testicular injury, erectile dysfunction, testicular injury, small testes, ejaculatory duct obstruction, and infections like gonorrhea. In women, infertility is because of one of the following reasons: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), hormonal imbalance, uterine fibroids, pelvic adhesions, structural abnormality in the cervix or uterus, thyroid disorders, blocked fallopian tubes, and irregular periods.

Best Homeopathic Remedies and treatment for Infertility

Homeopathic remedies for infertility are successful, safe and short the of any side-effects. Since homeopathic remedies utilize the body’s defense mechanism to counter the problem, compared to traditional methods, this form of treatment is non-intrusive, and a lot safer. Its primary advantage is that homeopathic medicines are drawn from natural substances, making them non-toxic.

Homeopathic Remedies for Infertility in Females:

  • Homeopathic Medicines for Infertility Caused by Acid Vaginal Discharges

Natrum Phos and Borax are highly recommended remedies for infertility in women due to acid vaginal discharges. These medicines are implemented where discharges from the vagina are destructive, acrid, and cause the death of sperms. Borax is used to treat infertility when the vaginal discharge is like the white of an egg, warm, acrid, and copious. On the other hand, Natrum Phos is an ideal treatment for those women who have irritating, acrid, and creamy vaginal discharges.

  • Homeopathic Medicines for Infertility Caused by too Prolonged Periods

Good remedies for women with infertility due to prolonged periods are Aletris Farinosa and Calcarea Carb. Calcarea Carb is utilized when a woman has too long lasting periods that mostly appear before time. On the other hand, Aletris Farinosa is used on those ladies with copious and early menses. Additionally, Aletris Farinosa is perfect for those patients with a tendency for frequent abortions.

  • Homeopathic Medicines for Infertility Caused by Short, Scanty Periods

Sepia and Pulsatilla are excellent homeopathic medicines for infertility caused by short, scanty periods. Pulsatilla can be used on those women that have faced menstrual irregularities since their menarche. The menses are usually delayed and their discharge remains for a very short time. On the other hand, Sepia is used when the menses are suppressed, scanty, and short. It can also be used in women experiencing a bearing down sensation in the uterus.

Homeopathic Remedies for Infertility in Males:

  • Homeopathic Medicines for Infertility Caused by Erectile Dysfunction

Homeopathic medicine Agnus Castus is ideal for those men lacking sexual desires and physical ability. It can also be used where the genitals are flaccid, cold, and relaxed. Another medicine, Caladium is suited for impotency accompanied by a mental depression in men. Also, Selenium, another homeopathic medicine can be used to treat infertility in males due to erectile dysfunction.

  • Homeopathic Medicines for Infertility Caused by Low Sperm Count

X-Ray is one of the best homeopathic medicine for infertility due to low sperm count. It helps to improve both the quantity and quality of sperms.

  • Homeopathic Medicines for Infertility caused by Orchitis

Infertility caused by orchitis in men can be treated by the best-known homeopathic medicine Conium. Other indications of conium are hard testicles, enlarged, and swollen.