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Homeopathic Treatment to Reduce the Symptoms of Common Seasonal Allergies

Homeopathic Treatment to Reduce the Symptoms of Common Seasonal Allergies

Homeopathic Treatment to Reduce the Symptoms of Common Seasonal Allergies

Learn, how Homeopathy can help you treat seasonal allergies and top remedies for it?

Allergies are genetically predisposed, in other words, our genes and genetic makeup influence the development of allergic disorders when interacting with environmental factors. These allergies are often seen running in the families in the form of are such asthma, hay fever, and eczema. Almost 20% of the Australian population has the allergic disease, and this prevalence is increasing. Even though these allergies are becoming common and affecting a significant number of population, the exact causes for this are unknown.

However, some environmental factors can be held responsible for the outburst of the dormant allergies. These can be increased atmospheric pollution, processed food, various chemicals commonly found in food, medicine, and other household products. Also, current lifestyle also contributes and makes us more susceptible to these allergic reactions.

What is an allergy?

Allergy is an altered reac­tion of the immune system to exter­nal substances. The allergic individual produces symptoms when exposed to these elements, which are harmless to non-allergic people. Most of the conditions like allergic asthma, urticaria, hay fever, eczema and perennial rhinitis are caused due to an external agent which is called an allergen. In my 16 years of homeopathic practice, the most common allergens that I have seen so far in my practice are house dust mites, pollen from trees and grasses, cats, dogs, milk and eggs.

Few of the symptoms of the allergies are:

  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Burning
  • Eruptions, rashes
  • Dry skin
  • Itching from the eyes
  • Redness
  • Watery eyes
  • Wheezing
  • Suffocation
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cough
  • Congestion
  • runny nose
  • Itching in the nose
  • Nasal congestion
  • Post nasal dripping
  • Itching in the eyes and throat

There are many other symptoms of the allergies for proper diagnosis always consult your general practitioner.

Homeopathic medicines and allergy treatments

Homeopathy is one of the world’s most popular holistic system in the field of medical science. The keynote of the homeopathic prescription is an individualization and symptoms similarity. By this one can achieve the state of complete health by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The Homeopath will aim to treat the allergies as well as the underlying cause of the allergies.

Homeopathic medicine stimulates the body’s defense sys­tem to fight with exposure to external allergens, rather than suppressing the allergic symptoms. In case of homeopathy, the treatment doesn’t have to be continued infinity – for exam­ple, a homeopathic medicine taken before the change of weather, such as hay fever, can protect the patient through the whole season thus reducing the need for antihistamines. There are many homeopathic remedies are available for homeopathic treatment of allergy that can be selected by cause, location, sensation, modalities, and extension of the complaints. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in Brisbane.

Constitutional prescribing in case of allergic disorders

Constitutional prescription in Allergies are essential and is slightly different. It’s based on a detailed history of the patient which includes not only his current illness or allergic symptoms but also his past medical history and his response to these allergens. Also, it is also important to look at different aspects of the patient’s lifestyle, med­ical history, family history and state of mind to achieve a complete picture of the individual.

We can also give isopathic prescriptions. It is similar to homeopathy, but the treatment is selected by the patient’s allergies (as shown by skin testing, for example). In Homeopathy we use the substance to which they are allergic in a homeo­pathic potency.

It is best to have a consultation with a homeopathic doctor in Brisbane so that they can tailor treatment to you as an indi­vidual.

Best Homeopathic remedies for seasonal allergies treatment in Brisbane:

  1. Justicia adhatoda – Allergy from dust; coryza with profuse nasal discharge and sneezing in the evening
  2. Natrum Mur – Allergy from bread; Acidic food
  3. Arsenic Album -Allergy from cold drinks; fruits, iodine
  4. Apis Mel – Allergy from bee venom
  5. Histamine – Allergy from dust, strong perfumes
  6. Sabadilla-Allergy from Pollens
  7. Kali Bich – Allergy from beer(hangover)
  8. Sepia – Allergy from hot milk
  9. Hepar Sulph – Allergy from cod liver oil
  10. Sulphur – Allergy from antibiotic
  11. Bryonia – Allergy from castor oil
  12. Nux Vom – Allergy from Caffeine
  13. Dulcamara – Allergy from dampness
  14. Ailanthus –Allergy from strong  smelling flowers
  15. Thuja – Sweets and Onion Allergy
  16. Argentum nit – Sugar Allergy
  17. Tellurium – Rice allergy
  18. Petroleum – Cabbage Allergy
  19. Nitri-spiritus dulcus – Cheese Allergy