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Homeopathic medicine is a natural pharmaceutical science that uses potentised plants, minerals or animals in very small dose to stimulate the sick person’s natural defences. This alternative system of medicine that was founded in the early 19th century by a German physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Homeopathyis based on the principle of the law of similars. “Homoios” in Greek means similar and “pathos” means disease or suffering. The law of similars states that a disease is cured by a medicine which creates symptoms similar to those the patient is experiencing in a healthy person.
The homeopathic system is based on subjective and objective symptoms of the ailments, and the medicines are not disease specific. The same medicines can be used by homeopathic clinicians in different ailments basis of the symptoms complex and individual’s psychophysical characteristics.
Homeopathic medicines are prepared by taking a solution of the concentrated ingredient from plant, animal or minerals and then diluting it many times (termed as potentization). Vigorous shaking of the preparation is vital at each stage of dilution. Each stage is known as potency, and homeopathic medicines at the 6th centesimal potency are suitable for treating minor ailments.
Homeopathic remedies are safe and very effective for children even for newborns. As Homeopathic remedies bring the balance in the imbalanced system and strengthen the basic immune system, one can start Homeopathy as early as possible to assist in building a strong immunity from the beginning.
Yes, it is. Homeopathy is a science based on sound logic and authenticated by vast experimental data. Homeopathy is the only medicinal science where data has been collected by proving on healthy human beings. The homeopathicpharmacopeia lists more than 3500 remedies, whose clinical efficiency has been proved in various clinical trials conducted all over the world. Various institutions and individuals are proving new medicines and increasing the scope of homeopathic medicines.
Homeopathy medicines are proven to be effective in treating a large number of acute as well as chronic ailments. The successful treatment ensues when a homeopathic physician understands the dimensions of the disease in the homeopathic perspective and accordingly prescribes genuine and effective homeopathic medicines to restore the state of health. Unless the indicated medicine in its correct potency and repeated properly, thepatient may not respond to the medication.
For some of the examples that can be treated by our experienced homeopath, please visit homeopathy treatment page on our website.
Yes, homeopathy medicinesare safe as the active ingredient is in adynamic state and are given in a minute dose- which is enough to work with our immune system to treat and manage the ailments. Homeopathy medicines have zero side effects and can, therefore, be used in newborns and pregnant women as well.
The simple answer to that question is Yes. Homeopathy medicine can be used by most people, however, the effectiveness and efficiency of the medicine depend on the medicine and the potency chosen for that particular illness or disease. Choosing the right medicine and potency with correct dose takes lots of experience and knowledge of homeopathy medicine and its philosophy. This skills can be gained by years of university level studies and after treating thousands of patients with homeopathy remedies. Amit and Priyanka – our team of homeopaths have atotal of 25 years of experience and have seen and treated more than 40 thousand patients in India during that time. Please contact us to know how we can help you to manage your health condition.
Although homeopathy medicine is suitable for home treatment of minor ailments and first aid use, it is always advisable to contact a qualified and experienced homeopath before you take any homeopathy medicine. If you have any acute and chronic illness that requires attention, a qualified homeopathic doctor should be consulted.
As our team has completed university-level studies (five and half years) to gain a Bachelors of Homeopathy Medicine and Surgery from India, they have been trained thoroughly in anatomy, pathophysiology, gynaec and obstetrics, and the role of homeopathy in the disease conditions. These skills have enabled them to thoroughly take the case history of the patients and differentiating individuals based on the mental and physical makeup and its reaction to an illness. A qualified and experienced homeopath can trace illnesses, which occurred many years previously, sometimes in childhood or even on our constitution and a skilled homeopath, and removing these blocks by the use of the correct homeopathic medicine and take you towards a ‘healthyyou.’
There have been instances of miracle cures by lay people practicing homoeopathy, but it is always advisable to go to a homoeopathic physician, as he is qualified to judge the severity and depth of your illness and thereby prevent undue complications later on, which could be overlooked by a hobby practitioner due to his ignorance of medical knowledge. Only a qualified physician can guide you towards a complete (mental, emotional, spiritual, physical and pathological) recovery.
Being very dilute the homeopathy medicines are sensitive to light and temperature and should, therefore, be stored in a dry place below 25`C, in their original container and away from direct sunlight, strong smells such as perfume, aftershave, coffee and moth repellents. Although they are perfectly safe and have no side effects, as a general rule all medicines including homeopathy should be kept out of reach of children.
There is no conflict between conventional medicines and homeopathic medicines, and indeed both systems of therapy can sometimes be used together to complement each other.
No. it is not advisable to take any homeopathy medicines for longer duration without consulting a qualified homeopathy practitioner. Always consult a medical advisor if your symptoms persist or get worse.
Yes, it may. The dose is so minute that it can be easily contaminated, so tip the pill(s) into the cap of the container and avoid touching with your fingers. If the medicine is in liquid form, put the drops directly under your tongue without touching the tip of the bottle or mix few drops in water.
No, it is thefrequency of taking the dose that matters, not the number of tablets. Always follow the instruction of a qualified homeopath practitioner before taking the homeopathy medicine.
Absolutely YES!
Deviating from the trend of rejecting homeopathy treatment and medicine as mere placebos, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared that homeopathy is the secondmost used medical system internationally (Newindpress, India – 24 Dec 2005). A Registered Homeopath will have a University standard of Education, and their practice is governed by associations and laws. In many parts of the world, Homeopaths have the same recognition as Medical Doctors.
Millions of people around the world use homeopathy as their first choice of healthcare. Personally, I have been using Homeopathy for 30years on myself, family, friends, and pets let alone becoming a Practitioner of this amazing art if it did not work. I have seen astonishingly amazing resultsevery day in my practice!
Naturopathy is asystem of natural medicine and mainly focuses on the importance of our lifestyle: fresh air, exercise, sunshine, wholesome diet, pure water, healthy environment, restand emotional balance. A Naturopath will have studied bits of all of the above and utilize that knowledge in theclinic, usually (but not always) with a focus on diet, gut health, and supplements.
Whereas, Homeopathy is a specialized, complete system of medicine! Homeopaths follow certain laws of healing and cure, quite different from today’s practice of orthodox medicine. It is an approach that utilizes medicines that stimulate the body’s own immune and defense system to initiate the healing process. It is an approach that individualizes medicines according to the totality of the person’s physical, emotional, and mental symptoms. Unlike any other system of medicine, Homeopathy looks closely at the mental/emotional/spiritual state of a person in the first instance, as this state can affect the physical body, especially with long-standing chronic illnesses. It is also an approach that is widely recognised to be safe.
Homeopaths use homeopathic medicines so a homeopath will have a dispensary from which he/she can prepare and dispense medicines – there are approximately 5,000 remedies today to choose from. Most homeopaths would not stock all of these, but it goes to show how much is out there. The remedies are prepared from natural substances to precise standards and work by stimulating the body’s healing power.
This means that a Naturopath is NOT a Homeopath! So, if you visit a Naturopath who claims to be a Homeopath, I would suggest you enquire if they have studied degree level homeopathy, as they would only have done a small amount of study on this subject in their studies and are not trained to provide a constitutional homeopathic remedy for a chronic condition.
Similarly, a Homeopath will have done some study on Nutrition, but cannot call themselves a Naturopath (unless the extra study was done to achieve that status).
This all depends on the condition you are seeking assistance with and the level of knowledge and experience of the homeopath. The successful treatment ensues when a homeopathic physician understands the dimensions of the disease in the homeopathic perspective and accordingly prescribes genuine and effective homeopathic medicines to restore the state of health. Unless the indicated medicine in its correct potency and repeated properly, thepatient may not respond to the medication.
However, generally if it is a long-standing chronic illness, it could take a while, but then again, I have seen personally delivered quick reliefin cases which had already tried different paths and homeopaths. Other things to consider is the age, general health and lifestyle factors of the patient. Children, in particular, respond very well to homeopathic prescribing.
Homeopathy is particularly popular in France, England, Germany, Greece, India, Pakistan, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, and South Africa. Approximately 40% of the French public have used homeopathic medicines, and 39% of the French physicians have prescribed the medicines. About 20% of German physicians occasionally utilize these natural medicines, and 45% of Dutch physicians consider them effective. According to a survey in the British Medical Journal (June 7, 1986), 42% of British physicians survey refer patients to homeopathic physicians, and a New York Times article reported that visits to British homeopaths is growing at a rate of 39% a year.
Despite these impressive statistics, Homeopathy is particularly popular in India where there are over 120 homeopathic medical schools which provide 4 and ahalf years of extensive medical level studies with one year of internship.
Many of the most famous people and cultural heroes of the past 200 years have been known to use and/or advocate for homeopathy, including UK royal family, 11 U.S. Presidents and dozens of world leaders including Mahatma Gandhi, 7 popes and numerous other spiritual leaders, literary greats, sports superstars, world-class musicians & articles, and corporate leaders.
Homeopathic medicines found in most health food stores are called “combination or complex medicines” or “formulas,” as there are more than two homeopathy remedies mixed. Various homeopathy manufacturers choose the medicines most commonly prescribed for specific symptoms and assume that one of them will help cure the ailment that the consumer has. Since these medicines are much safer than conventional drugs, they are preferable to a growing number of consumers.
It is still advisable that any homeopathy medicine should be taken under the guidance of a qualified and experienced homeopathy practitioner.
There is popular belief that you must “believe in” homeopathy for it to work, but what you need to know that it is not a placebo effect. Here are some powerful examples to explain that:
Infants: Homeopathic remedies and treatments are successfully used by parents for common infant ailments such as colic, teething pain, and some infections. If it was a belief factor or placebo, infants and children would not have shown amazing relief in their ailments.
Animals: There are many veterinarians using homeopathic medicines to treat domestic pets such as cats, dogs, and birds, as well as barnyard animals like goats, horses and cows. Is it possible to have a placebo effect with animals or make them ‘believe it’ before showing the relief?
Millions of people across the world use and rely on homeopathic remedies. Today there are a rapidly growing number of conventional medical doctors using homeopathic medicines as well.
Open Communication & Observation: While it is the homeopath’s job to elicit relevant information by asking probing questions, there is a higher chance of receiving an effective homeopathic remedy if he or she is open and truthful in describing their physical and psychological symptoms. The more relevant and clear information is given to your homeopath, the easier it becomes to choose the right homeopathy
Also, it is equally important to observe the changes that take place in your system before, during and after intake of homeopathy medicine.
Substances to Avoid: There are no major diet restrictions to be observed in the course of homeopathic treatment. However, certain food may interfere with your remedy, and therefore it is important to avoid those substances such as strong smelling and tasting food like garlic, onions, tobacco, and coffee. These substances may reverse (anti-dote) the effects of homeopathic remedies and medicines in some cases.
The Follow-Up Visit: It is very important to have a follow-up visit with your homeopath in either scenario, whether you are feeling better or worse as this will ensure the right course of your treatment. The follow-up visits are used to determine what additional methods or remedies are required. In some cases, it may be required to use more than one remedy sequentially so that balance and full health can be restored. However, in some cases,change of homeopathic remedy or dose may be required. Whereas in some cases- your homeopath just needs to know how your illness or complaints are progressing.
In India, Yes- they are qualified doctors as there are more than 180 homeopathic medical colleges in India which are recognized by the Government of India under the AYUSH Ministry and about 2000 colleges all over the world. The degree course is an extensive study of the human body and homeopathic pharmacy, lasting for four and half years followed by aninternship for 1 year, which includes hospital training and patient management. After this, the students are given the degree making them qualified doctors. There are now also postgraduate courses available in homeopathy. One has to register with the Homoeopathic Medical Council to practice homeopathylegally and has to renew the registration every five years (India).
However, in Australia, homeopaths are considered as a natural health practitioner, and there are no colleges or courses recognized by the government. However, AROH ensures that the homeopaths registered under them are qualified and experienced before they can start practicing in Australia.
Certainly not. Although it appears that same white pills are given for all illnesses or patients, it is not so, as there are more than 3500 remedies to prescribe from and new medicines are added to the list regularly, after their proving and clinical trials. All homeopathic medicines are available as liquids with an alcohol base. To dispense a medicine to a patient, the indicated remedy in the liquid form is poured on the white sugar pills, which merely act as vehicles to transfer the medicinal property. Hence it appears that the same white pills are administered to all.
Your first consultation with your homeopath will take time and will be longer than a normal visit to a doctor but if it starts the journey back to health, it is time well spent and the best investment towards your health.
A true homeopath treats the diseased person according to the symptoms they experience rather than the name of their disease; it is very important for your homeopath to get as much detailed information as possible. This includes but not limited to your clinical history, family history, your temperament and personality, your mental history including fears, stress, and anxieties.
Unlike conventional doctor, the main focus of your homeopath will be on the unique symptoms of your illness rather than the common symptoms of the disease – the symptoms that are mainly experienced by everyone with that disease would experience. Thisassists an experience and qualified homeopath to individualize the patients and prescribe them the correct homeopathy remedy with the correct potency in the correct dose.
No. It is seen that people usually resort to homeopathic treatment for chronic, long-standing ailments like arthritis, allergies, asthma, etc., which usually take a longer time to be cured by any medications. Hence the time taken for the cure is proportionate to the chronicity of the ailment. In fact, if a patient seeks homeopathic treatment at the onset of an ailment, he stands great chances of quick recovery. Also in acute illnesses, contrary to the popular belief, homeopathic medicines act fast and effectively. Another advantage with Homoeopathy is, that after this duration of treatment the illness is cured, whereas with most of the other system of medicine symptoms are merely palliated or at times suppressed.
Yes, they can take the homeopathy medicine as the quantity of homeopathy medicine (of one week) is far less than a 1teaspoon of sugar. Alternatively, the medicine can be taken in drops form.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided is for educational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any health condition and is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare provider