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Homeopathy and Male and Female Sexual Health

Homeopathy and Male and Female Sexual Health

Homeopathy and Male and Female Sexual Health

It’s been studied frequently over the years how the male and female sexual libido works. Many things can affect how men and women feel as well as when they are in the mood for more intimate relations. Learning how these can be affected can help to figure out what homeopathic remedies and medicines will work.

Women’s Sex Desire

Stress and melancholy are a few of the issues that increase as a woman ages. They are also responsible for the decrease in sexual desire for women. As women age, they tend to have a dryer than normal vagina which medicines in the homeopathic nature like natrum muriaticum can help with. Some women of all walks of life can suffer from a lack of sexual desire. The mood-boosting homeopathic treatment Sepia can help with this wonderfully. For women who suffer from menopausal issues, remedies such as conium can comfort the effects.

For women who suffer from a lower than normal sexual drive, over the counter solutions like selenium, ambra, ovarinum and lycopodium can help to improve their libidos. Ensuring as a woman you are talking openly with your partner is another way to create open lines of communication to determine which homeopathic remedies are for you.

Men’s Sex Desire

Homeopathic treatment is a process that involves providing your body with the best possible support. Sexual disturbances in men such as impotence, lower sperm count, premature ejaculation and male orgasm dysfunction can also all diminish their overall sexual desire.

By providing the body with enough support to help reduce these problems, men may start to see wonderful benefits. Homeopathic methods will increase the blood supply to certain male organs to make it strong. By identifying the reason that these issues may be occurring you can learn which homeopathic remedies may work best for you and your partner. Based on the issues and conditions you may be suffering from will decide what remedy will work best for you.


For the overall health of men and women’s sexual desire, adding in homeopathic remedies may help to increase their mood and eagerness to participate in intimate activities. By opening up the lines of communication between you and your partner, you can work together with your doctor to determine the best possible treatment methods. Various natural homeopathic remedies and medicines can be added to help with many men’s sexual dysfunction issues such as erectile dysfunction and more.

For women, increasing their libido is the first step in helping to increase their sexual desire. Using natural methods to help with menopausal symptoms can aid in a production of lubrication to increase the moisture in the vagina, a common issue many menopausal women suffer from.